Monday, 28 March 2011

Results conducted from my first experiment !

The results collected from this experiment were as follows :

Normal Water : It took 1 minute and 40 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Cold Water : It took 2 minutes for the tablet to dissolve

Hot/Boiling Water : It took 42 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

From this experiment it was clearly evident that the Panadol tablet dissolved the fastest in the hot water.
After viewing my results i came to accept my hypothesis as i predicted that the Panadol tablet would dissolve the fastest in the hot water , and so it did. However , i cannot base my whole experiment on these results therefore i must repeat this experiment two more times in order to ensure my results are reliable. I kind of had an assumption as to what the results of the next repeated experiment would be , i was sure that the hot water would still be the fastest in dissolving the water , followed by cold water and finally normal water would be the slowest to dissolve the Panadol tablet.
I guess i'll just have to wait and see until i complete my next experiment!
stay tuned  :)

Table of my results :

 Condition of Water
Reaction time (S) 
Trial 1
Normal Water ( Room temperature water )
100 seconds to dissolve
Cold Water ( Iced Water )
120 seconds to dissolve
Hot Water ( Boiling Water )
42 seconds to dissolve

Although i have previously stated that i would be using a line graph , i have changed my mind as i find that a column graph would be easier for this section.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Week 4 : Conducting my experiment

I have successfully been able to complete my experiment method and i am now able to get the show on the road ! :D

i have recorded myself conducting Trial 1   of my experiment enjoy !

Sunday, 20 March 2011

My Experiment ( typed up )

Aim : To determine whether the temperature of the water affects the solubility of the Panadol tablet.

Hypothesis : If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster.

Dependent Variable : The time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve ( i will measure the time by using stopwatches ) 
Independent Variable : Temperature of the water 
Controlled Variable : Same Panadol tablet , Same amount of water , Same plastic cup

Equipment :Stopwatch , 3 types of water ; normal ( room temperature water ) , Cold ( iced water ) , Hot ( Boiling water ) ,9 Panadol  Rapid Soluble tablets 
( soluble) , 3 clear plastic cups, Measuring cup ( optional ), marker ( to write on the plastic cups )
Sheet of paper ( optional )
Method : 
1. Gather all your equipment 
2. Label your cups ( Normal , Cold and Boiling )
3. Fill the cup labelled 'normal' to half way or label the sheet of paper ' normal '
4. Place one Panadol Rapid Soluble tablet into the cup 
5. Measure the time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve using the stopwatch
6. Record your results
7. Repeat steps 3-6 , this time using the 'Cold' and 'Boiling' cups.
8. Repeat this experiment two more times to ensure reliability & validity
9. Find the averages of the different time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve
10. Compare results

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Mind Map of my experiment

After much thought and consideration i finally decided to do a mindmap of my experiment 
which outlines exactly what i am going to be doing over the next few days or so ! :D

Technique for collecting data

Since my experiment will be involving many different numbers i will need to put my results into a table and graph so that i can clearly analyse my results without being confused.
By placing my results into a table and a graph it will be easier for me to identify the factors that need to be taken into consideration , such as the rate it takes the tablet to dissolve in hotter water rather than cooler water. This is very important for me to visualise as i will need to discuss and conclude my results.

I have designed my table where i will later on place my results into to :

Reaction TIme 
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3
Average Reaction Time ( s)
Normal Water ( Room Temperature water )

Cold water ( iced water )

Hot Water ( Boiled water )

My next step was to set out my graph , now this was tricky. I had to decide on whether i was going to do a column graph , bar graph or a line graph.
I came to the conclusion to do a line graph as i knew my data could be easily read on this graph .

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Listed in the image above is my equipment !
At the top are the three plastic cups
At the bottom from left to right are the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets followed by the Marker and finally the stopwatch .

Dont forget you also need WATER !

- Normal water ( Room temperature Water )
- Cold water ( fridged water )
- Boiling water

If you have a water dispenser then you can just use that ! :)

I don't have one so i used a kettle , water carton ( should be at room temperature ) and fridged water.

Week 3 : Progress Report

During this week  i have exceeded my expectations and successfully designed my experiment !
I have also identified and taken into consideration all the major factors that i will be working with during this experiment , these factors include collecting all my resources ( equipment ) , determining the constants, as well as the independent and dependent variables. I still have a far way to go before planning my results , however i have also have thought of the way i will be structuring all my results .

Design / Layout :

Incorporated in my experiment my main goal is to determine whether the different conditions of water ( temperature ) affect the solubility of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets.

I plan to conduct this experiment in the living room as i know the best lighting is there, thus i will be able to capture in good condition the results of my experiment on my camera.
This experiment that i will be conducting involves determining whether the different conditions of water affect the solubility of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets , so ultimately what this means is i will need to collect at least nine of these tablets in order to start my experiment.
My first step will be gathering all my equipment , so firstly i will father the plastic cups. I have decided to start with the '' Normal Water '' first followed by the ''Cold Water'' and then finally the ''hot water''.
There will be three plastic cups containing three different conditions of water the first being normal water , cold water and then hot water.
After i have obtained all the plastics cups filled with water i will record myself dropping the tablet into ONE  cups i will also have a stopwatch to record the time it takes to dissolve. I will repeat this with the two other water conditions ( i.e. hot and cold ).
I must also repeat this experiment two more times , so i will have done this experiment three times in total in order to maintain reliability and validity throughout my whole experiment.
Finally i will compare and contrast my results , after putting them into tables and graphs in order for me to have a clearer understanding of the layout of my results hence assisting me when i write up my conclusion.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Week 2 : Research

After establishing that i would be conducting an experiment that involved chemistry i chose to work with Panadol tablets and how fast the tablets would dissolve in different temperatures of water.
So ultimately i was conducting an experiment to see the solubility of Panadol tablets when tested in different water temperatures.

Firstly my main question was which Panadol tablets would i be using?
It was clear to me that the most effective Panadol tablets that i would be able to use for this experiment were the Panadol Rapid soluble tablets. This was the perfect match for this experiment as these tablets worked when dropped into water where they would dissolve according to the temperature of the water.
Now my job was to determine whether the tablet would dissolve the fastest in hot water , Cold water or normal water...

To get a better understanding of what i was dealing with i decided to research about the Panadol Rapid Soluble Tablets , hence i was able to obtain the product information for the tablets.

I was able to obtain the Panadol Rapid Soluble product information from a website on the internet. I will clearly list this site later on in my bibliography !

Panadol Rapid Soluble

Panadol Rapid Soluble

Active Ingredients
Paracetamol 500mg.

Inactive Ingredients

Sodium 425.5mg, Saccharin Sodium, Aspartame, Sucrose, Phenylalanine.

Product Description

Panadol Rapid Soluble is a specially formulated effervescent tablet for fast effective pain relief. Each Panadol tablet contains 500mg of Paracetamol, which makes it one of the most effective pain medications available. Panadol Rapid Soluble is suitable for people with stomach ulcers, asthmatics who are sensitive to aspirin and NSAIDs, breast feeding mothers, reducing fever, providing relief from cold and FLU like symptoms, and from the discomfort associated with a variety of temporary aches and pains. Included in this list of aches and pains is, Tension Headaches, Migraines, Period Pain, Arthritis, Backache, Osteoarthritis, Muscular Aches, and Toothache.
Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets are Gluten free, Lactose free, and Sugar free.

So what exactly is Paracetamol? 
It is thought paracetamol reduces fever by affecting an area of the brain that regulates our body temperature (the hypothalamic heat-regulating center).
Paracetamol is about as effective as aspirin at relieving mild to moderate pain and reducing fever, but unlike aspirin it has no anti-inflammatory effect.
Paracetamol can be used to relieve mild to moderate pain associated with conditions such as headaches, migraine, toothache, teething, colds and flu. It is also useful for reducing fever and discomfort associated with colds and flu.

How does the temperature of the water affect the solubility rate of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets?
When the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets are dropped into water they fizz rapidly. While the tablet fizzes , a chemical reaction is taking place and as a consequence carbon dioxide gases are released. So i had to figure out how big of a difference in the rate of a chemical reaction can temperature make?
Ultimately what i had to determine was if i could make the tablet dissolve faster or slower depending on the temperature of the water. 

What is a Chemical Reaction?

A Chemical Reaction takes place when one or more chemicals react to become different chemicals. This occurs through the re-arrangement of the atoms from the reactant side of the equation to the product side.
In order for a chemical reaction to occur, the particles, atoms or ions, which are REACTANTS, must physically come into contact with one another. Anything that increases the frequency of these encounters will increase the rate at which PRODUCTS are formed.
So subsequently what this means is change in which a substance is changed into one or more new substances.

I decided to think of a few questions that i needed to answer, i wanted to make sure that after i had completed my investigation my questions about this topic would have been all answered.
I will answer these questions and refer to them later on either in my conclusion or discussion.
1. How will the increased temperature of the water , affect the reaction rate of the tablet?
2. Which condition of water will the tablet dissolve the fastest  in?
3. List the conditions that the tablets dissolve in from slowest to fastest.
4. How does a reaction in this particular case occur?

OPENZ. ( 2005) Online Pharmacy NZ [ Internet ] Available from: <>[accessed 12the March, 2011]

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Scientific Method

I used the scientific method as a guide when starting my experiment.
I knew there were seven stages that i had to keep in mind when conducting my experiment. These stages included :

1. Problem / Question : Develop a question or problem that can be solved through experimentation.

2. Observation/ Research : Make observations and research your topic of interest.

3. Formulate a Hypothesis : Formulate a hypothesis . Predict a possible answer to the problem or question.
4. Experiment : Develop and follow a procedure . Include a detailed materials list.

5. Collecting and Analysing Results : Modify the procedure if needed. Confirm the results by retesting.

6. Conclusion : Include a statement that accepts or rejects the hypothesis.

7. Communicate the results : Be prepared to present the project to an audience. Expect questions from the audience !

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Week 2 : Progress Report

I realised that there are so many different investigations and projects that i could do .
However , i wasn't exactly sure which would be the most suitable for me , although i knew i was going to do an experiment based in the Chemistry foundation i still had a load of options as to which project to conduct . I had many ideas about this SRP investigation , but in order for me to reach my fullest potential when executing this project i wanted to make sure that my ideas were relevant to the topic. Therefore to make my life easier i decided to use the site to create a mind map for myself so i could easily pinpoint what project i would or wouldn't be doing.

In this mind map i have included some ideas that i have researched about , these ideas will help me when choosing my final topic of investigation. Furthermore , i would not have to stress about all my ideas as this mind map clearly lists some of the great topics that i could further investigate in.
I am glad of the way that i have started my SRP , these few first days are extremely important as they will determine what exact experiment i decide to conduct , so i have to be on my top game !
I plan to accomplish my research over the next few days , hopefully by then i will know exactly what i am going to be doing thus i can start my experiment :)


(2002-2011) Science Buddies[Internet].Chemistry project, Ideas. Available from :<>[ accessed 8th March , 2011].

DET ( 2009) Energy Australia[Internet]. Research Projects. Available from : <>[ Accessed 8th March , 2011]

Saturday, 5 March 2011


At school i received an assessment task where i had to choose to investigate a topic which i could closely evaluate hence do a blog and report on this topic.
When deciding on which experiment to do , i really had to choose carefully. Many ideas had come into my head about my science project. I wasn't exactly sure as to what i was going to be doing , although i was learning towards chemistry experiments. After much thought i decided that i might do dissolving , and what factors affect the speed of dissolving . In order to get started i would need to figure out my independent, dependent and controlled variable . I would also need to make sure that my experiment was valid and reliable throughout the whole experiment.

There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when starting this project, although i am ecstatic about starting immediately i have to take time to throughly think this through.

I have used the site to create my mind map as seen :

This mind map that i have created by myself stirs my project in the direction towards chemistry. By creating this mind map i will further enhance my studies as to what investigation i will be doing !