Sunday, 1 May 2011

Week 7 : Progress Report

It feels so surreal that this is the last blog entry that i will be posting up for the SRP investigation.
So i have finalised and gone through everything , throughout my blog as well as my report. I have also used the guidelines from the document that was given to us as a guide  and i have ticked off all the things that i should have completed . It would be a lie if i said this project was not stressful because it defintely was ! I'm glad i am done although i will miss blogging regularly about my own personal project.
I have come such a long since my week 1 thoughts and ideas all the way to my conclusion, it was been an exciting journey.

In my report i have checked for any issues that i might face , but so far everything seems to be working out.
I must also remember to incorporate my final results of my graphs and tables into my report so everything will be on track. There are just a few minor touches that i need to do to my report which will further enhance me to meet all the factors listed in the marking criteria.

After i finalise everything i must print out my report remembering to attach the criteria to the front as well as sending mr Ng my blog !

Here is my bubbl mindmap
i have included two because they both contribute to my experiment and overall entire investigation!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


From this experiment , it was evident that the temperature of the water does have an immense affect on the time it takes the Panadol rapid soluble tablets to dissolve . The data that i have collected from my experiment clearly show that the tablets will dissolve the fastest in hot water and the slowest in the cold water . This was seen through the three trials that i had conducted i was also able to reinstate my ideas that the tablet would dissolve the fastest in the hot water . Subsequently i was able to accept my hypothesis which stated '' If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster '' . In addition it was clearly obvious that the normal water was situated in between the cold water and the hot water , meaning that when the tablet was dropped into the normal water it would dissolve faster than when dropped into the cold water , but not as fast as when dropped into the hot water.
The unveilings of my findings was not a huge surprise to me as i did have a hunch that the tablet would dissolve the fastest when dropped into the hot water. Although what did come to a surprise to me was how fast it took the tablet to dissolve in hot water ; the average came to be approximately 40.3 seconds. Which i found to be an exceedingly fast time for a tablet to dissolve.

Final graph of all my results combined ( averages )

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Week 6 :Report

So this whole entire SRP project that i have been working on so long for is nearly closing to an end !
i've got to be honest its been so quick , and i feel very proud of myself where i am now , i have completed so much work during the past couple of weeks .

My report draft is looking up to tip top shape , i just need to do some finishing touches before all is done !
im so excited !!

I have also wrapped up my conclusion which i will post about later on  :)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Week 5 : Discussion

Throughout my experiment in which my aim was to determine whether the temperature of the water affects the solubility of the Panadol tablet , the results that i obtained showed obvious patterns which i would later notice. Firstly when comparing my results acquired from my three trials of my experiment it was evident that the results were fairly all similar . In doing so i was sure that i was on the right track as the numbers were not far off each other . I was glad that i had repeated my experiment to test for reliability and validity because if i didn't i wouldn't know if my results were way off or if they were correct. To execute this experiment in the correct manner i had to determine which water condition would make the tablet dissolve the fastest in. Although i originally thought this concept would be easy enough to figure out , as i progressed with my investigation i found that there were some simple implications.  In my trials each reaction time stayed consistent meaning that my results did not fluctuate. When the different water conditions were tested it was found that the Panadol rapid soluble tablet dissolved the fastest when placed in the hot ( boiling water ) hence that was why i found that the tablet dissolved the slowest in the cold
( refrigerated water )  and of course that left for the normal ( room temperature ) water to be in between.

Results in my experiment was obtained through the collection of raw data , which i would then record into  three tables . By merging my results conducted from my three trials i was able to a procure an average of the reaction time . By absorbing this data i was able to get an understanding of how the numbers were when averaged hence gaining a better concept of this experiment. Since i had recorded the time it took for the tablet to dissolve i was able to receive an accurate comparison of the results . It was evident to me that my hypothesis had been right from the beginning , consequently this meant that i was able to successfully accept my hypothesis just as i thought . By incorporating graphs as such i was able to show the relationship that formed when my results were recorded, thus enhancing my studies which ultimately backed up my whole entire hypothesis.  My research showed to be helpful as i gained further knowledge about this topic and how the tablet would dissolve depending on the temperature. Through more studies and research i found out that the bicarbonate ions from the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablet would have to come in contact with the hydrogen ions in order to form carbon dioxide and water which was the finalising result of the chemical reaction that took place . Needless to say the chemical reaction would only take place if the hydrogen and bicarbonate ions collided at right angles , this was immensely crucial.

Discussing the matter of the reliability and validity that took place within this experiment it can conclude that it would be a very reliably source as i have repeated this experiment. To ensure that reliability and Validity took place within my experiment i had to repeat my experiment two times , so that meant that in total i had done my experiment three times. This gave me a better conscious when working with the numbers as i knew i could rely on my two other trials for my experiment to visualise my end results. The validity that i had sought to include circles my whole entire experimental concept ultimately this determined whether my results obtained met all the requirements of the scientific research method.To ensure validity a constants or control had to be established . It was shown that from the start internal validity and reliability were the core to any experimental design this was why i found it remarkably important to include both reliability and validity throughout my whole experiment whilst keeping it consistent.

Despite the fact that my experiment was a complete success , there are still many factors of which i could have improved to make my overall experiment better. Firstly i could have completed more trials for my experiment , this would have definitely increased my reliability and validity of my experiment. Although my results were not scattered , in fact the results were merely all close there is another factor that may have contributed to my experiment not being a hundred percent accurate. After my experiment i've realised that i should have measure the temperature of the water conditions with a thermometer , this would have definitely boosted my accuracy throughout my entire experiment. By measuring the temperature of the normal ,cold and hot water i would have been able to give myself a higher chance of reliability hence making my investigation better. These few factors that could have been improved shoe how far i have come as i have realised the things it will take me next time to make an even better , brighter and more successful experiment. I will definitely keep all these factors in mind for next time !

To draw to a close , it was clearly evident that there were apparent patterns throughout my trials that i had conducted , these patterns would soon be relevant to my whole entire investigation as it showed me where certain trends were forming in relation to my project. I am also glad that i had completed all of my research before attempting the experiment as that gave me more confidence as i knew what i was doing therefore i could execute my experiment in a better manner thus obtaining the successful results that i received. In the mere future i will be able to take on board all the mistakes and all the positives that i have  done , so that my future experiments can be much better !

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Week 5 Progress Report

So i am extremely relieved that it is week 5 as i have completed an enormous amount of work on this project !
I have also got my report going underway and i am delighted at the way things are turning out :)

Hypothesis : If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster.

When dealing with my hypothesis , firstly i had to determine what exactly the hypothesis was.
The Hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables . 
It was extremely important that when dealing with my hypothesis i included ''if'' and ''then '' . 
The reason for this was to ensure that i was writing a hypothesis which was correctly structured.

Purpose :  The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether the temperature of the water affects the solubility of the Panadol (Rapid Soluble) tablet . I found this topic to be exceedingly fascinating as i wanted to know whether the tablets dissolved faster in relatively hot water or generally cold water . It was based on my personal interests which lead me to investigate on this particular topic.

Evaluating my method : After completing my experiment i came to a conclusion that i should reflect on evaluating my method of collecting data . The way in which i had set out to plan and layout my results was fairly simple . All i needed to include in my method of collecting data was a table and a graph.

Previously i thought that the line graph was the most easiest and most suitable graph for my topic , however further into the investigation i found that a column graph was much easier.

The table that i included was collected all the data that i needed . Once i had completed all three trials of my experiment i could easily just place the numbers into the table .
The first column of my table includes the ''condition'' which is the condition of the water ( Normal , Cold and Hot ). The next column is the reaction time , this column is where i will record the time it takes for the tablets to dissolve . Finally the last column is the average reaction time , for this column i will need to do some maths ! i must collect all three numbers from one trial and find the average of the reaction time.

Reaction Time (s)
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3  
Average of reaction time
Normal ( Room temperature water )

Cold Water ( refrigerated water )

Hot water ( Boiled water )


Sunday, 3 April 2011

Results conducted from my thrid/last experiment !

These are the results that i have gathered from my third experiment :

Normal Water : It took 1 minute and 48 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Cold Water : It took 2 minutes and 12 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Hot Water : It took 39 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

I have finally finished my last trial of my experiment !
I am really glad that i made it all the way ,this project has been extremely fun and fascinating .
From this experiment i can now say that i completely and utterly accept my hypothesis which states that '' If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster '' .
Following the next couple of days i will need to evaluate my method as well as finalise my report , i will also explain further on the results of my entire experiment in my conclusion and discussion.

Table of my results :

 Condition of Water
Reaction time (S) 
Trial 3
Normal Water ( Room temperature water )
108 seconds
Cold Water ( Iced Water )
132 seconds
Hot Water ( Boiling Water )
39 seconds

Graph of my results :

Video Trial 3 of my experiment ! LAST ONE !!!

Friday, 1 April 2011

Results conducted from my second experiment !

These are the results that I gathered from my second experiment :

Normal Water : It took 1 minute and 42 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Cold Water : It took 2 minutes and 6 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Hot Water : It took 40 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

So after completing my second experiment to test if the temperature of the water affects the rate that the Panadol tablet dissolves , i was convinced that the Panadol tablet would always dissolve the fastest in hot water. Although i am very sure that my hypothesis is correct i still would like to conduct a third experiment in order to support my entire experiment  and also to ensure reliability & validity. These two factors are extremely important hence that is why i  make sure all my measurements add up !
Keep a look out for my the results of my third experiment , it should be posted up very soon ! :D

Table of my results :

 Condition of Water
Reaction time (S) 
Trial 3
Normal Water ( Room temperature water )
102 seconds to dissolve
Cold Water ( Iced Water )
126 seconds to dissolve
Hot Water ( Boiling Water )
40 seconds to dissolve

Graph of my results :)

Monday, 28 March 2011

Results conducted from my first experiment !

The results collected from this experiment were as follows :

Normal Water : It took 1 minute and 40 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

Cold Water : It took 2 minutes for the tablet to dissolve

Hot/Boiling Water : It took 42 seconds for the tablet to dissolve

From this experiment it was clearly evident that the Panadol tablet dissolved the fastest in the hot water.
After viewing my results i came to accept my hypothesis as i predicted that the Panadol tablet would dissolve the fastest in the hot water , and so it did. However , i cannot base my whole experiment on these results therefore i must repeat this experiment two more times in order to ensure my results are reliable. I kind of had an assumption as to what the results of the next repeated experiment would be , i was sure that the hot water would still be the fastest in dissolving the water , followed by cold water and finally normal water would be the slowest to dissolve the Panadol tablet.
I guess i'll just have to wait and see until i complete my next experiment!
stay tuned  :)

Table of my results :

 Condition of Water
Reaction time (S) 
Trial 1
Normal Water ( Room temperature water )
100 seconds to dissolve
Cold Water ( Iced Water )
120 seconds to dissolve
Hot Water ( Boiling Water )
42 seconds to dissolve

Although i have previously stated that i would be using a line graph , i have changed my mind as i find that a column graph would be easier for this section.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Week 4 : Conducting my experiment

I have successfully been able to complete my experiment method and i am now able to get the show on the road ! :D

i have recorded myself conducting Trial 1   of my experiment enjoy !

Sunday, 20 March 2011

My Experiment ( typed up )

Aim : To determine whether the temperature of the water affects the solubility of the Panadol tablet.

Hypothesis : If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster.

Dependent Variable : The time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve ( i will measure the time by using stopwatches ) 
Independent Variable : Temperature of the water 
Controlled Variable : Same Panadol tablet , Same amount of water , Same plastic cup

Equipment :Stopwatch , 3 types of water ; normal ( room temperature water ) , Cold ( iced water ) , Hot ( Boiling water ) ,9 Panadol  Rapid Soluble tablets 
( soluble) , 3 clear plastic cups, Measuring cup ( optional ), marker ( to write on the plastic cups )
Sheet of paper ( optional )
Method : 
1. Gather all your equipment 
2. Label your cups ( Normal , Cold and Boiling )
3. Fill the cup labelled 'normal' to half way or label the sheet of paper ' normal '
4. Place one Panadol Rapid Soluble tablet into the cup 
5. Measure the time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve using the stopwatch
6. Record your results
7. Repeat steps 3-6 , this time using the 'Cold' and 'Boiling' cups.
8. Repeat this experiment two more times to ensure reliability & validity
9. Find the averages of the different time it takes for the Panadol tablet to dissolve
10. Compare results

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Mind Map of my experiment

After much thought and consideration i finally decided to do a mindmap of my experiment 
which outlines exactly what i am going to be doing over the next few days or so ! :D

Technique for collecting data

Since my experiment will be involving many different numbers i will need to put my results into a table and graph so that i can clearly analyse my results without being confused.
By placing my results into a table and a graph it will be easier for me to identify the factors that need to be taken into consideration , such as the rate it takes the tablet to dissolve in hotter water rather than cooler water. This is very important for me to visualise as i will need to discuss and conclude my results.

I have designed my table where i will later on place my results into to :

Reaction TIme 
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3
Average Reaction Time ( s)
Normal Water ( Room Temperature water )

Cold water ( iced water )

Hot Water ( Boiled water )

My next step was to set out my graph , now this was tricky. I had to decide on whether i was going to do a column graph , bar graph or a line graph.
I came to the conclusion to do a line graph as i knew my data could be easily read on this graph .

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Listed in the image above is my equipment !
At the top are the three plastic cups
At the bottom from left to right are the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets followed by the Marker and finally the stopwatch .

Dont forget you also need WATER !

- Normal water ( Room temperature Water )
- Cold water ( fridged water )
- Boiling water

If you have a water dispenser then you can just use that ! :)

I don't have one so i used a kettle , water carton ( should be at room temperature ) and fridged water.

Week 3 : Progress Report

During this week  i have exceeded my expectations and successfully designed my experiment !
I have also identified and taken into consideration all the major factors that i will be working with during this experiment , these factors include collecting all my resources ( equipment ) , determining the constants, as well as the independent and dependent variables. I still have a far way to go before planning my results , however i have also have thought of the way i will be structuring all my results .

Design / Layout :

Incorporated in my experiment my main goal is to determine whether the different conditions of water ( temperature ) affect the solubility of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets.

I plan to conduct this experiment in the living room as i know the best lighting is there, thus i will be able to capture in good condition the results of my experiment on my camera.
This experiment that i will be conducting involves determining whether the different conditions of water affect the solubility of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets , so ultimately what this means is i will need to collect at least nine of these tablets in order to start my experiment.
My first step will be gathering all my equipment , so firstly i will father the plastic cups. I have decided to start with the '' Normal Water '' first followed by the ''Cold Water'' and then finally the ''hot water''.
There will be three plastic cups containing three different conditions of water the first being normal water , cold water and then hot water.
After i have obtained all the plastics cups filled with water i will record myself dropping the tablet into ONE  cups i will also have a stopwatch to record the time it takes to dissolve. I will repeat this with the two other water conditions ( i.e. hot and cold ).
I must also repeat this experiment two more times , so i will have done this experiment three times in total in order to maintain reliability and validity throughout my whole experiment.
Finally i will compare and contrast my results , after putting them into tables and graphs in order for me to have a clearer understanding of the layout of my results hence assisting me when i write up my conclusion.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Week 2 : Research

After establishing that i would be conducting an experiment that involved chemistry i chose to work with Panadol tablets and how fast the tablets would dissolve in different temperatures of water.
So ultimately i was conducting an experiment to see the solubility of Panadol tablets when tested in different water temperatures.

Firstly my main question was which Panadol tablets would i be using?
It was clear to me that the most effective Panadol tablets that i would be able to use for this experiment were the Panadol Rapid soluble tablets. This was the perfect match for this experiment as these tablets worked when dropped into water where they would dissolve according to the temperature of the water.
Now my job was to determine whether the tablet would dissolve the fastest in hot water , Cold water or normal water...

To get a better understanding of what i was dealing with i decided to research about the Panadol Rapid Soluble Tablets , hence i was able to obtain the product information for the tablets.

I was able to obtain the Panadol Rapid Soluble product information from a website on the internet. I will clearly list this site later on in my bibliography !

Panadol Rapid Soluble

Panadol Rapid Soluble

Active Ingredients
Paracetamol 500mg.

Inactive Ingredients

Sodium 425.5mg, Saccharin Sodium, Aspartame, Sucrose, Phenylalanine.

Product Description

Panadol Rapid Soluble is a specially formulated effervescent tablet for fast effective pain relief. Each Panadol tablet contains 500mg of Paracetamol, which makes it one of the most effective pain medications available. Panadol Rapid Soluble is suitable for people with stomach ulcers, asthmatics who are sensitive to aspirin and NSAIDs, breast feeding mothers, reducing fever, providing relief from cold and FLU like symptoms, and from the discomfort associated with a variety of temporary aches and pains. Included in this list of aches and pains is, Tension Headaches, Migraines, Period Pain, Arthritis, Backache, Osteoarthritis, Muscular Aches, and Toothache.
Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets are Gluten free, Lactose free, and Sugar free.

So what exactly is Paracetamol? 
It is thought paracetamol reduces fever by affecting an area of the brain that regulates our body temperature (the hypothalamic heat-regulating center).
Paracetamol is about as effective as aspirin at relieving mild to moderate pain and reducing fever, but unlike aspirin it has no anti-inflammatory effect.
Paracetamol can be used to relieve mild to moderate pain associated with conditions such as headaches, migraine, toothache, teething, colds and flu. It is also useful for reducing fever and discomfort associated with colds and flu.

How does the temperature of the water affect the solubility rate of the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets?
When the Panadol Rapid Soluble tablets are dropped into water they fizz rapidly. While the tablet fizzes , a chemical reaction is taking place and as a consequence carbon dioxide gases are released. So i had to figure out how big of a difference in the rate of a chemical reaction can temperature make?
Ultimately what i had to determine was if i could make the tablet dissolve faster or slower depending on the temperature of the water. 

What is a Chemical Reaction?

A Chemical Reaction takes place when one or more chemicals react to become different chemicals. This occurs through the re-arrangement of the atoms from the reactant side of the equation to the product side.
In order for a chemical reaction to occur, the particles, atoms or ions, which are REACTANTS, must physically come into contact with one another. Anything that increases the frequency of these encounters will increase the rate at which PRODUCTS are formed.
So subsequently what this means is change in which a substance is changed into one or more new substances.

I decided to think of a few questions that i needed to answer, i wanted to make sure that after i had completed my investigation my questions about this topic would have been all answered.
I will answer these questions and refer to them later on either in my conclusion or discussion.
1. How will the increased temperature of the water , affect the reaction rate of the tablet?
2. Which condition of water will the tablet dissolve the fastest  in?
3. List the conditions that the tablets dissolve in from slowest to fastest.
4. How does a reaction in this particular case occur?

OPENZ. ( 2005) Online Pharmacy NZ [ Internet ] Available from: <>[accessed 12the March, 2011]