Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Week 5 Progress Report

So i am extremely relieved that it is week 5 as i have completed an enormous amount of work on this project !
I have also got my report going underway and i am delighted at the way things are turning out :)

Hypothesis : If the temperature of the water increases , then the Panadol tablet will dissolve faster.

When dealing with my hypothesis , firstly i had to determine what exactly the hypothesis was.
The Hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between the independent and dependent variables . 
It was extremely important that when dealing with my hypothesis i included ''if'' and ''then '' . 
The reason for this was to ensure that i was writing a hypothesis which was correctly structured.

Purpose :  The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether the temperature of the water affects the solubility of the Panadol (Rapid Soluble) tablet . I found this topic to be exceedingly fascinating as i wanted to know whether the tablets dissolved faster in relatively hot water or generally cold water . It was based on my personal interests which lead me to investigate on this particular topic.

Evaluating my method : After completing my experiment i came to a conclusion that i should reflect on evaluating my method of collecting data . The way in which i had set out to plan and layout my results was fairly simple . All i needed to include in my method of collecting data was a table and a graph.

Previously i thought that the line graph was the most easiest and most suitable graph for my topic , however further into the investigation i found that a column graph was much easier.

The table that i included was collected all the data that i needed . Once i had completed all three trials of my experiment i could easily just place the numbers into the table .
The first column of my table includes the ''condition'' which is the condition of the water ( Normal , Cold and Hot ). The next column is the reaction time , this column is where i will record the time it takes for the tablets to dissolve . Finally the last column is the average reaction time , for this column i will need to do some maths ! i must collect all three numbers from one trial and find the average of the reaction time.

Reaction Time (s)
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3  
Average of reaction time
Normal ( Room temperature water )

Cold Water ( refrigerated water )

Hot water ( Boiled water )


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